House Done Man Dead | Forever Home Fix
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House Done Man Dead

"HOUSE DONE MAN DEAD" Yeah. This blog was inspired by a dad joke. Growing up, my dad had a lot of them. But the one he said most came any time he did ANYTHING in the house. I'm pretty sure my siblings and I can't complete a home project of our own now without saying "House Done Man Dead!" So wear this one with pride and be sure to say it out loud after every DIY. Every single one.
"HOUSE DONE MAN DEAD" Yeah. This blog was inspired by a dad joke. Growing up, my dad had a lot of them. But the one he said most came any time he did ANYTHING in the house. I'm pretty sure my siblings and I can't complete a home project of our own now without saying "House Done Man Dead!" So wear this one with pride and be sure to say it out loud after every DIY. Every single one.
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