New Sunroom Rug - and Introducing Ruthie!
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  • Writer's pictureKiersten

New Sunroom Rug - and Introducing Ruthie!

Our sunroom is one of my favorite rooms by far. If I'm not chasing around the kids or working on a project, you can almost guarantee I'm sitting in the sunroom. It's also where I have been doing yoga since our basement flooded so I've been wanting to get a new rug that is softer and just one single pile. The rug we had in here before was cute but had high fringe areas and low jute areas, so it made for a pretty unlevel base.

Sunroom with old rug

What I Wanted in a New Area Rug

Though I had two smaller rugs layered in here before (really out of necessity because of how old and fraying the large one was), I wanted to get one large area rug that could fill more of the room (to catch more drips coming in off the pool!). I wanted to find something that would be softer underfoot than the jute combo we had before. And as I mentioned, single pile so I can have more even flooring for my yoga mat. I also wanted to bring in a little color - something to complement the greenery all around inside and out, and the blue of the pool. Now that I've successfully gotten rid of most of the original color in this house, I'm slowing bringing it back in with my evolving accents.

New Sunroom Area Rug

I snagged this rug on massive clearance (78% OFF!) in Wayfair's huge clear out sale last week.

amber lewis x loloi rug rolled up

Area rugs, especially full-room area rugs aren't cheap so I've been waiting for a deal. Was thrilled to find this Amber Lewis x Loloi rug on the clearance. She's a great designer and definitely a worthy follow on Instagram!

Sunroom with new amber lewis x loloi rug

I've bought other Loloi rugs, like the Chris Loves Julia x Loloi we have in the bedroom and think they're pretty and good quality for printed rugs.

Sunroom with new amber lewis x loloi rug

This rug has a pretty mix of blues and greens woven throughout with ivory and tan. This rug is SO SOFT too! It's almost got the feel of a plush rug compared to some of our other printed rugs.

Sunroom with new amber lewis x loloi rug

I like how the pattern helps tone down the geometric quality of the tile floor compared to the layers of geometric patterns we had going on before. I swapped out the throw pillows we had in here to a more muted set we had in our front room. I love shopping my own house!

Sunroom with new amber lewis x loloi rug

The Newest and Softest Addition of All

We're not the only one enjoying this new rug! Everyone - meet our newest project helper Ruthie! She's our 3-month old mini bernedoodle. After overthinking whether or not it was time to get a new pup for a few weeks, we finally decided to pull the trigger and found this furry little sweetie needing a home. We got her yesterday and are loving having an animal around again. It's been 9 months since we lost our Jake, and while it's been nice having a little more independence, there's been a furry hole in our home that needed to be filled.

Ruthie the puppy in the Sunroom with new amber lewis x loloi rug


Need an area rug fix? Here's what we got:


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Follow along with us each week as we work to make the very 2000s home we bought during the middle of a pandemic more “us.” We’ll share everything from quick fixes to more permanent changes, along with projects you can do in your own home. Zach will also share all his lawn and garden advice as he starts over on the yard.


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